My motivation

I have questioned whether or not to create this blog because of a number of issues. Most of them stem from my lack of confidence in my writing and my own knowledge. I guess that much of what I want to record and also share with others is limited, because we all well know that keeping things private is essential to living a normal life. However, I often wonder if others could benefit from my personal thoughts and experiences, especially my children…and possibly their children. As I have looked back over the last three and a half years of my life, I am saddened that I have not kept a daily record of my thoughts and feelings. I was pretty good about writing down the things that took up most of my life in my early adult years, but once I got married, well, I felt that other things were more important, and keeping a journal went out the window.
So, here I am; finally starting something I feel I should have started years ago. Better delayed than never I suppose. This will be my own nest of things I find of value and importance in my life, and may possibly be some worth in others lives as well. It may be random and silly at times, but I am not going to publish my entire life here. I like thoughts, comments, and discussion. If you have any, please share them. If you don’t, that’s fine too. My motivation won't change either way!
